Знайсці шахматны клуб

Racing Club
 Welcome to the Official Racing Club Channel on YouTube - Bienvenido al Canal Oficial de Racing Club en youtube - We are a sports and competit...
KickinNinja219 giveaway club 1
this club will be given away to someone random at the end of january 
alive dreams
The Greek multicultural club. Come and show us your world, with music, art, articles, tradition and modern customs and everything that will help us...
noobs playing chess
Spartan Warriors
Spartan Warriors of chess, never give up. With your shield & dory linked to your fellow Spartan, our wall will not be breached! A Spartan maste...
Casa de Ajedrez
Welcome to Casa de Ajedrez's chess club on Chess.com. Our OTB chess club meets in the Sulphur / Lake Charles, Louisiana area. Join our team to fi...
  Hello everyone! If you are reading this, then you might be considering joining CLUB OF FRIENDSHIP! We would love to have you join, and we ...
The Attila fan club
  Clubda rütbəli olsun və ya olmasın kim cluba çoxlu nəfərləri gətirirsə ona super admin rütbəsi verəcəm  Clubda a...
Team Dominican Republic
Welcome to Team Dominican Republic "TDR Chess Club". This is a  group that represents the Dominican Republic in chess.com. We are members of The Wo...
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Tactical Minds
Chess is a tactical battle between 2 minds and in this club we embrace that tactical battle and embody it in our chess games. Welcome one and all...
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Bobby Fischer Random
The Bobby Fischer Random chess club welcomes you. Robert James Fischer is the first and only American World Chess Champion in history. Fischer Rand...
Palo Alto Chess Club
Chess Club for the University Ave Chess Club in Palo Alto.
Team of Slovak players
Team slovenských hráčov reprezentujúcich Slovensko v New Wave League, Power league, Olympiada TC a WC a FR a aj v ďalších ligách ktoré sa hrajú na ...
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Club Colegio Evangélico Los Olivos.
¡Bienvenidos al Club de Ajedrez del Colegio Evangélico Los Olivos! Nos complace invitarlos a formar parte de este espacio úni...
The Celts
For nearly three thousand years, people of Celtic heritage have evoked the magical words of timeless tales and conveyed them through literature, mu...
Collegiate Chess League
The official club page for the Collegiate Chess League.  You can compete in our events here on our club page, watch our matches live on twit...
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The Club of Debate and Discussion
Hello, and welcome to this club! Let me show you around. We are a growing club which is determined to change the future of chess.com. We are a soci...
Club oficial de la Asociación de Ajedrez Departamental de Masaya. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/asodeamy 
The Club of Brilliant Moves and Tactics - SCHOOL of WITCHCRAFT and WIZARDRY
TCOBMATS SCHOOL of WITCHCRAFT and WIZARDRY Headmaster: Turbus Pickledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,Supreme Mugw...
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