ডায়মন্ড সদস্য

My name is Ronin.

I'm 16 years old.

My hobbies are playing Undertale Au's and reading Unordinary on webtoon. And chess, of course!

My 2 favorite chess clubs I'm part of are the Anime Leagues and The Outcasts

I also like to speak out against bullying. 

If anyone wants to be friends, just ask! I will gladly accept! 

Competitive Stars League
Competitive Stars League ১,০৪১ জন সদস্য
The Anime Club
The Anime Club ৩২৯ জন সদস্য
The Outcasts
The Outcasts ১১৬ জন সদস্য
Anime Leagues
Anime Leagues ৬৫ জন সদস্য
World Wide Chess Champs
World Wide Chess Champs ৭১ জন সদস্য