Find en skakklub

The Remembrance Project
Welcome to the Remembrance club! This is a club for being social and active, and if that's not your style, club events in chess! However, you are p...
Villagers Chess Club
This is a club for the Villagers Chess chess variant, where your king is a pawn! if you want to know about about this variant, or want to meet peop...
Team Poland
Zapraszamy Wszystkich Entuzjastów Szachów. Zapewniamy swobodną atmosferę oraz pomagamy w szeroko pojętym rozwoju nie zapominając o tym, że oprócz s...
Fédération Tahitienne des échecs
Maeva ! Nous représentons la Polynésie Française sur Tu veux jouer pour la Polynésie Française ! ...
203 Fun Club
- PRIVATE CHESSKID CLUB - This club is an unofficial extension of the Official Club. Straight to the point, we are a club ...
Peak Performers
Peak Performers is a very active, well established club which focuses mostly on daily matches. We have over 50,000 match points and are very close ...
주제를 정하고 토론하는 클럽입니다!
Le Repaire du Satyre
Rejoignez le Club d'échecs Francophone du Repaire du Satyre ! Une communauté internationale passionnée d'Exploration, d'Imag...
About Gambit ClubThis club is a place for gambit lovers in chess to meet, learn, and play together.Club Goals:* Improve understanding of gambits: L...
Endless Void
Hello everyone, you are welcome to join this Club this is a chill and fun club we have 7 titled players in the club, and we do matches and more! ...
CHT Dude Ranch
If you know what the CHT is, and you're a dude, welcome. If not, get away.  Are you still here? Then come on in! If you don't know, the Christian...
The Scholars' Academy
The Scholars' Academy is a club designed to mentor and teach chess players at all levels the strategies and skills needed to elevate their game to ...
Kasparov Chess Club
Kasparov Chess Club is a group for fans of the former world champion, Garry Kasparov.  KCC is an award winning group and membership is now o...
Kyrgyz Republic
Официальный клуб шахматистов Кыргызской Республики
Mate Masters- OG
      Join "Mate Masters-OG" club. To develop and popularize this club I request you all to join this club. There will be a lot...
Burg Alley Gameroom - BAG
Games and social club for all members of Chessnuts Roasting on an Open File, -Road to GM-, and Phoenix VIP Club. Also, for any friends of @Joh...
Bishan Chess Club - Singapore
Bishan Chess Club is competing in a few online chess leagues from 3 days per move to live matches (5+2), we need strong players to join us to play ...
Our Party Club
Welcome to our party club! This club is where you can discuss anything you want, and have fun, while making new friends! 😁 (I am NOT holding a gu...
BVB 09 Borussia Dortmund
 Join the club and you will be part of the first division team!    Hey BVB and welcome to the official Borussia Dortmund YouTube cha...
Team Barcelona
Per tota la gent que viu a Barcelona, hi hagi estat o li agradi la ciutat. Para toda la gente que viva en Barcelona, haya estado en ella o le guste...
Die_ MatheMATTiker
Schach & Zahlen In unserem Schachclub dreht sich alles um Strategie, Logik und Präzision – sowohl auf dem Schachbrett als auch in ...
Wallyjack's Wonderful Wizards Of Oz
Hello my mighty friend, The Wonderful Wizards of Oz is one of the best Australian based teams on and will become the best with mighty ch...
1 day per move club
Welcome to the 1 day per move club! Wanna play without opponents taking so much time that you forget your analysis and why you did your last move...