Hi my name is Tacoma Talseth I am from the United States Helena Montanta. I am currently 16 years old with 1 years of chess experience. I started playing chess in early years of 2023 and have been addicted to the game since. I hope that from now on I am going to be a good community member to the chess community. I am not a FIDE chess player yet but hopefully I will have a OTB rating by the year of 2025 classical chess. My goal is to reach a FIDE rating of 2200 and achieve the tilted of FIDE canditate master.
I stream on twitch as well even though my chess name and twich name are not the same.
Follow My YouTube Chess Stream https://www.youtube.com/@PoisinedApprentice155
Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/poisinedapprentice155/?hl=en
Tik Tok : https://www.tiktok.com/@poisinedapprentice155?lang=en