news 17

Country Belarus contre GETICUS et amicis Getae
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Hello friends, we are back on this page to offer more matches with our club who are going to top the leaderboard for the best club on site. This take much responsibilities for write and explain our situation being in program and sharing this knowledge because we sure and believe we work in god place where people are members mainly in soul and working slightly their professional task for improving them self in career and personalities but we meet absticle or question in midst life and relation asking where our happiness and find through serious work and relation known what god live vigilant in our soul individually and prove what our heath temporarily justify our smartness but remain asking us being part and using our endeavors for pursuing life together and searching what secrets remain in life where we converting essence to good content and build continue sentence for connecting our self in life with others and make meanings for what we in life and relations. We positive society people who pursuing peace and kindness in life and equalities for remembrance for those who pursuing similar happiness and sharing one world amusements and practice and love and fortune known what society have offers this task together with find right knowledge which helping us recognize situation and work and relation where we live easier life knowing what difficult time pass and we earning opportunities for gain credits from god who vigilant in our soul verifying our actions and pursuing our changes and choose for different careers and personalities. We are asking you to be part of our games and we continue to write notes in match games. Sincerely, Gary Sorkin. 6:11 PM 1/30/2024
Statistiques du club
Country Belarus
Country Belarus
  • En cours:
  • Total de points:
  • Matchs gagnés:
  • Niveau moyen:
  • Classement du jour:
GETICUS et amicis Getae
GETICUS et amicis Getae
  • En cours:
  • Total de points:
  • Matchs gagnés:
  • Niveau moyen:
  • Classement du jour: