Father, husband, pilot, retired petroleum production supervisor. I live in Amarillo Tx. I spend my spare time hunting, fishing, fabricating, exploring by ATV, travel. I've been playing chess since 1972 but I don't study the game. My game has probably reached it's peak but I love to play. I also like to work with my hands, i've restored old cars, airplanes, airboats, snowcats, furniture, and my home. I don't ask much, play fair and don't accept my seeks if you don't intend to play. I rarely play a rematch either so don't be surprised if I don't accept.
Funny quotes:
curiouscat: morning...
__hasdrubal__: shhh
sonic24: shhh what
curiouscat: are you hunting rabbits?
nepferd: me to, i love chess but man i suck. and I am to lazy to research this stuff
Anticreeps: dont even try to play just play by the heart
witchling1996: yup. remember, Jack, no religion. follow the rulz
hHaden: wats a pagan
witchling1996: it's just a type of religion
alabaster_knight: its like a vegan
vodkafloat: what if my religion is to talk about nonreligious things in chat rooms?
AionoBoi: Wow I keep accidentally makling horrible moves
guitarjoe: in the new spirit of chatroom limits i have unblocked everybody. go and spam no more.
marioso: i like playing against 7 year olds... i beat them faster
1718: wylfliyer is sucha low life
Fuzzychickens: YOU MISSPELLED CHICKEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! HOW DARE YOU!!!
rousseausp: why are mods allowed to speak other languages and not us ?
BackBeatDrummer: superdog vs wonderdog, who would win - comments?[x]
Artspec: i know, I am always talking politics. I'd never pass for a good person here.[
sander9860: five out of every four people have a problem with fractions[x]
MrL: I keep repeating the same errors in my life, over and over and over again
Zigalday: then you are not learning from the mistakes as well as you should
scotpo: give peas a chance
phrage: beans have had it good for too long
CAinstructor: ca doesnt stand for california idiot haha
rmgoup: how can terminator be a governor?
FelgencioBatista: cos hes awesome
bobsucks: his cybernetic logic
MagicMan01: what about grahams number. :P[x]
klandri: thats even higher I dont know the formula[x]
DrawMaster: I prefer Graham's Cracker.[x]
Wyflyer: please stop typing in all caps
RadicalHippo: the caps button is like the turbo charger in a car
Wyflyer: and im' like the highway patrol
DrawMaster: There is rarely a need to panic here.