Rasti Šachmatų Klubą

Team Iceland
This group is for icelandic players. A target for this group is also to representing Iceland in the Live Chess World League, World League and Euro...
2 245
Mat Bobula's Chess School
Welcome to our club! 🌟 We're a group of enthusiastic individuals who love to get better, play in tournaments, take on challenges, and have great ...
1 530
The Chocolatey Factory
Chocolates 🍫🍫🍫😄😄😄 Chess  *Welcome to The Chocolatey Factory!* "Indulge in the rich strategy of chess and savor the sweet taste of victory!...
Ultimate legend club
Hello everyone,  We welcome you to this Massive, Enormous and Immense club   Ultimate legend club ...
Ippogrifo Reggio Emilia
This club represents the city of Reggio Emilia (Italy) Ritrovo virtuale del circolo scacchistico di Reggio Emilia Ippogrifo https://www.ippogrifo...
Chess Team Trayana
Join the Trayana chess family!We organize daily tournaments where you can test your skills and meet other chess enthusiasts. Whether you are a begi...
Are you up for a game of chess? If so, I encourage you to join one of the greatest communities on chess.com. The ARC! It is an online chess club wh...
Rob's USCF Tournaments Club
A Club of those invited interested in USCF online rated chess, if you want to join the club, you must be A united states chess federation member. ...
Chesspage University Club
Join if you want to play games with other members and participate in tournaments
The Attila fan club
  Clubda rütbəli olsun və ya olmasın kim cluba çoxlu nəfərləri gətirirsə ona super admin rütbəsi verəcəm  Clubda a...
Мы мечтаем о том, чтобы превратить клуб и сайт в ваш уютный дом, куда вам захочется возвращаться снова и снова.У нас вы можете первыми узнавать все...
17 640
Chess University - Portugal
Chess University Affiliate Club for residents of Portugal who wish to improve at chess. This club serves to help the local chess community organize...
4 079
Chess Friends for Friends
Chess Friends for Friends is an online chess group for chess addicts. We do play thematic and open tournaments, feel free to join and to have fun. ...
5 720
Chelsea FC
Hi, We would be honoured to have you on our team! This is a group for people who love Chelsea FC! Please join and help us to become the best foot...
  Shun even to appear harsh in your treatment of each other. Joy, radiant joy, streams from the face of him who gives and kindles joy in th...
Team Australia-Adelaide SA
This club represents Adelaide in the State of South Australia. We represent the Capital city of Adelaide in the Cities World Cup, Team Match Ch...
 Hello! 😇🌺  Let's play chess together, think, win or lose😇🌺 We have blitz tournaments and daily matches😇 Welcome to the club💜
2 535
Confederação Brasileira de Xadrez
 Bem-vindo ao clube oficial da Confederação Brasileira de Xadrez!    Nossa missão é capacitar as pessoas, enriquecer vidas e melhorar as comunid...
3 280
Team Philippines United
Greetings to all chess players, from beginners to grandmasters. We are the OFFICIAL PHILIPPINE TEAM that competes in big stages, (for at least seve...
4 305