Rasti Šachmatų Klubą

Christian Chess Community
Statement of Beliefs: We are a group of 18+ Christians that consider ourselves to be Disciples of Jesus Christ. Our goal is to reflect Christ in ...
Niver give up
Matchi's Chess MVP
Matchi's Chess MVP Club is a public discord server Matchi members only club, To join the club you must be a member of Matchi server! request a...
Opening Book Club
This club is test out all openings across the board
Chess Army's
Hi this is a tornament club there are all active members are there and it is competitive club and join these club to improve your skills so join fa...
Grad Niš - City of Nis
Grupa za sve igrače iz Niša i okoline. Ekipa se takmiči u svim ligama i kupovima gradova koji se organizuju na sajtu: World Cities League, Cities W...
Long Live Palestine
Do not hesitate to join the club with those who love Palestine and support the life of Palestine and stop the war #FREE PALESTINA (Please join) &nb...
phoebe's friends cafe
Welcome! This club is for viewers from Phoebe's stream, to play some Chess and have fun!
The Legends Of Chess
This is a private club for Legends club members only. A supportive and welcoming community of players, ranging from beginners to masters, all eag...
Attack, Attack, And Resign
Pin Oak Chess Club
Welcome to the Pin Oak Chess Club! We will hold live matches and live tournaments for the students of Pin Oak. To join, please send a request telli...
Team England HQ
This is a group for the admin team that runs Team England's interests in all its tournaments.
Chess Universe
Welcome to Chess Universe! This enthusiastic club is happy to have you join our community. Despite our activity, which is rather standard for large...
2 348
Adriana Nikolova FANCLUB
Welcome to the group ♥ Adriana Nikolova ♥ FANCLUB. WGM Adriana Nikolova currently has a rating of 2308. She started playing chess when she was 4 ye...
1 555
We try to make as much brilliant moves as possible !!
io games
JOIN & ENJOY...   IO Games improvement blog Events with prizes Vote chess matches Interesting and exclusive articles ANNNDDDD TONS...
1 466
king's fury
Titled players: @ATM622, @LunaTheTuna2013 Welcome to King’s Fury, a dynamic chess club where strategy and community converge! Here, we focu...
twitch: mathmadou_
Chess University - Portugal
Chess University Affiliate Club for residents of Portugal who wish to improve at chess. This club serves to help the local chess community organize...
4 061
Shining Smiles ツ
  Welcome to Shining smiles: ) The name of this club has a very deep meaning: ) so I started a club in real life once named Shining Smiles which...
1 355
Chess Battleground
If you want some fun, then come and get some.... Here u can interact and enjoy with other players... Chess is always about fun not wining or losing...
The High Elo Society
High Elo Society You are cordially invited to join the exclusive ranks of the High Elo Society. Come together with like-minded individuals to e...
http://shahistashqiptare.webs.com/ This is the group representing Albania on the Chess.com World League and Europe League .Players from Rep.of Alba...
1 486
Cornhusker Chess Club
The Cornhusker Chess Club is home to the Virtual Chess Tournament series, which utilizes a divisional round-robin format followed by a double-elimi...