Encontre um Clube de Xadrez

The Pokémon Fans
This group is for all fans of Pokémon! Whether you like the anime, the movies, the cards, or the games come join us! We will discuss Pokémon and pl...
1 270
32 Pieces Chess Club
Open to all members of the chess community who want to have fun. Check out our website 32pieces.com! We host USCF-rated and unrated tournaments and...
STC Round Robins
A club for Round Robin tournaments at slow time controls (G60+30 and G90+30). We offer double round robin tournaments with 4 players and 6 players....
1WL LIVE tournaments
1WL LIVE tournaments is a public club for everyone.We're hosting individual tournaments, Multi Club Arenas in the ONE WORLD Lea...
Murder Drones Fans 4 Life
Hello!  This is a brand-new club owned by @BibleBeeWolfie, for lovers of the show Murder Drones!! If you've seen it, join!  If you're on ...
Pinoy Chess Philippines
PINOY CHESS PHILIPPINES is a group of Filipino Players who are natural born, acquired citizenship, a mixture of race living within the Philippines ...
10 968
Magic - Fearless - Strong Play in competitions, chat with friends! We welcome active and creative players and offer fun matches, competition ma...
1 159
The Club Of Brilliant Moves And Tactics
TCOBMATS SCHOOL of WITCHCRAFT and WIZARDRY Headmaster: Turbus Pickledore (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,Supreme Mugw...
1 478
"BOTSWANA" This is the group representing Botswana in the Chess.com World League and other tours. It is for all those who would like to ...
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Jack Rodgers Chess Club
By popular demand from my stream at https://www.twitch.tv/jackrodgerschess the viewers have requested that this group be created so that we can al...
Chess.com em Português
 Bem-vindo ao Clube Oficial do Chess.com em Português 😍------------------------------ Siga-nos nas Redes Sociais - também entr...
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Pawns Union
Pawns around the world, united to learn, enjoy and play chess
Team Palestine
This is the one and only OFFICIAL GROUP for all Palestine chessplayers, as well as for all those lovers and supporters of Palestine from right arou...
4 259
Bluez_281 - Official
Hey , chess friends welcome to Bluez_281-Offficial  The official club of Bluez_281 This is core_53233 wishing you a happy day Here: > P...
Boca Juniors
El equipo más grande de la Argentina, la mitad mas uno!! El rincon de los Xeneizes. Group about the principal Argentinian soccer team.
A chess.com club for chess players in South Wales and beyond. There is a thriving chess community in Wales, with Gwent, East Glamorgan and West Wal...
Clube de Xadrez Brasil - CXBr
Somos um clube brasileiro! Temos torneios ao vivo, xadrez por votação com muita interação entre os membros, torneios ...
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PRO Puzzle Solvers Team
Welcome!This club is for the Best Puzzle Solvers & Battle players worldwide.We enjoy solving puzzles on a professional level,discussing an...
Ecuador Live Chess
Este grupo está compuesto por jugadores que desean representar a Ecuador en torneos de Ajedrez en Vivo en la Liga Panamericana de Ajedrez en Vivo,...
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KNSB Nederland
Club voor toernooien van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Schaakbond Alleen spelers waarvan wij de echte naam kennen, kunnen meesterpunten verdienen. D...
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1.b3 Nimzo-Larsen Attack
The purpose of this club is to provide the members with the information and experience to develop an opening repertoire based on 1.b3. To join you ...
disha harsha forgive us
The Chess for all levels Club 2025
Welcome to The Chess for all levels Club, where everybody has a lot of fun whilst getting better at chess. This is a chess club for all levels! ...
Hello friend, NAMASTE' is a warm club of friendly people. We have over 700 members. We are primarily looking for people who either love daily che...