
Hi! I'm Indian and I like playing chess! How are you? Comment ca va? Did I mention that I could speak a little bit of French! Amazing, right? Anyways, I like airplanes A LOT and I shine with my creativity! (that's why my background is a STAR WARS Livery of an ANA Boeing 787!) What about you? Do you like chess? Do you speak another language? I some cases, we could chat online! How cool would it be to chat in another language! Besides Chess and Aviation, I love Minecraft too! What is your favourite online game? I would like to play anybody on Chess.com (unless it's a cheater- for obvious reasons!). Just Challenge me whenever you see me online. I am open to it! In the end, I just want to say that I hope you like my interests. We could be friends! And that I am open to any person's challenge on this app. I am also a part of the Royal Chess Club. 

So, that's my brief introduction. Now time to introduce myself in a detailed fashion. 


  1. Myself
  2. My intrests (in chess)
  3. My friends (who I recommend)
  4. My goals (by the end of 2024)

Now, I am a person who is intrested in chess, and I really want to start a club here, on Chess.com in the near-future

My intrests

(Subtypes below)

  1. Chess piece
  2. Checkmate
  3. Favourite Chess  Youtube Channel

For my favourtie Chess piece, (this exempts queen, rook, and king), is the bishop. To me, they have a bit more (if not a LOT more) reach on squares in general.

Favourite checkmate
It is the smothered mate.
Here is a puzzle to test your skill at this mate.
If the king moves to f8, Qxf7 is mate.
Favourite Chess Youtuber- GothamChess!
My friends (who I  reccomend)
Also, I play  on Lichess