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County Championship Council UK and Ireland
This group is for players to discuss Administrative issues and follow current progress in matches in a County Championship intended originally for ...
Are you up for a game of chess? If so, I encourage you to join one of the greatest communities on chess.com. The ARC! It is an online chess club wh...
Welcome to the KingdomOfChess community!!! We have a limited time offer-Free Promotion to anyone who joins. Join us now!
Meme House
Hello! This is Meme House, a growing chess club here in chess.com.Reasons you should join our club:- Because this club is about memes and memes are...
The 7even Warriors
The official representative of the World Leagues Championships.  The club welcomes all chess fans from all over the world. - Are ...
1 098
Chess America Team
Para los Jugadores de America únicamente. 🌎 For American Players only. 🌎 Apenas para jogadores americanos. 🌎 Uniquement pour les...
Ultimate legend club
Hello everyone,  We welcome you to this Massive, Enormous and Immense club   Ultimate legend club ...
The World Explorers
Hi! Hola! Bonjour! Privyet! Zdravo! Namaste! Welcome to The World Explorers! Do you want to be a part of an active and wonderful club? Then com...
Mat Bobula's Chess School
Welcome to our club! 🌟 We're a group of enthusiastic individuals who love to get better, play in tournaments, take on challenges, and have great ...
1 522
Hello everyone, the club of the insta gc , if u still didnt join it dm us Tournaments and events, the basics after all We will progress togeth...
The Farm
The Farm™  is a comedy style supergroup (whatever that means), as well as a great chess group - #70 on the Team Match leaderboard.  Join if you lik...
2 239
The Attila fan club
  Clubda rütbəli olsun və ya olmasın kim cluba çoxlu nəfərləri gətirirsə ona super admin rütbəsi verəcəm  Clubda a...
Gambito Pão de Queijo
Clube de amigos que se reuniram para desenvolver seu jogo de xadrez e se divertirem.
Altay Stratejistleri
Altay Stratejistleri kulüpüne davetlisiniz /Altay Stratejistleri kulüpünün ana sayfasına hoş geldiniz  Becerilerini...
Chess.com - Bangladesh
এই ক্লাবটি অনলাইনে বাংলাদেশী দাবাড়ুদের জন্য সর্ববৃহৎ মিলনমেলা। এই ক্লাবের সদস্য হিসেবে আপনারা নিম্নোক্ত কার্যক্রমে অংশগ্রহণ করতে পারবেনঃ  চেস ডট ...
6 897
Hallo Sannu سلام Hɛlo Aloha pershendetje שלום Cześć ሀሎ नमस्ते Olá مرحبًا Nyob zoo ਸਤ ਸ੍ਰੀ ਅਕਾਲ Ողջույն Helló Allinllachu নমস্কাৰ Hall...
Sydney Academy of Chess
For chess players interested in all chess related events in NSW, Australia!
3 782
pekin of chess
  The rules just to know in case you think about joining 1 no being mean to others 2 don't say and give links to inappropriate stuff 3...
CZECHmate Chess
On-line šachová komunita CZECHmate Chess, místo pro všechny šachové nadšence. 
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