Gjej një klub shahu

FM John Curtis Club
Welcome to FM John Curtis's Club ( links: http://www.twitch.tv/fmjohncurtischess - Twitch https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZhV20DfLqBymOLKBPJN49Q ...
Pin Oak Chess Club
Welcome to the Pin Oak Chess Club! We will hold live matches and live tournaments for the students of Pin Oak. To join, please send a request telli...
Team Toulouse - Equipa Tolosa
La devise de la ville est Per Tolosa totjorn mai. Pour Toulouse, toujours plus. Cette équipe est ouverte à toutes les joueuses et j...
Chess University - Chile
Chess University Affiliate Club para los residentes de Chile quienes desean mejorar en el ajedrez. Este club sirve para ayudar a la comunidad de aj...
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The Night Souls
Welcome to the club if you have joined yet, have fun with our chess matches, daily games, vote chess and most of all friendship 💀
Este club es para gente que tenga la puntuación que tenga siempre quiere seguir mejorando, gente que no tira la toalla porque su pasió...
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Clube de Xadrez de Peçanha - MG
Caro(a) novato(a),  Seja bem-vindo(a) ao nosso clube!   Para garantir a qualidade da nossa comunidade e manter um ambiente agrad&aacu...
Olympic Games
  This club is focused on the Olympic Games and now we are heading to Tokyo Olympic Games 2020 that will take place between 23 July and 8 August 2...
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Chess Poland
Polski klub. Wiele turniejów, meczów dziennych i innych wydarzeń. Ponad 400 osób. Jesteśmy w TOP 10 polskich klubów w s...
Trump Club
This club is for discussions about Trump and new innovation's he is working on. Everyone is welcome.
The Safety Club
Welcome to the Safety Club!  We are a tight-knit community with the goal of being the safest club on Chess.com! We aim to eliminate trolls...
Clouds Of Chess
Join us for a cookie! 🍪🍪 Rules: Be Nice! You can curse if you want to, but not a lot Don't be mean to other members! No Advertising! No s...
CSV online - Circolo Scacchistico Vercellese online
Pagina uffiiciale del Circolo Scacchistico Vecrellese creata per permettere ai soci del circolo di incontrarsi anche online. L'applicazione al cl...
Bangalore Chess Club Official
Bangalore Chess Club was created with the idea of bringing together all chess enthusiasts of Bangalore city and host meetups in and around the city...
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WE ARE MONOCHROME! WE WANT TO INVITE YOU TO JOIN OUR CLUB MONOCHROME! We would love for you to join and build this club!
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8 Player Chess
We use the club forums (and 8playerchess.com, a daily webpage and much more) to play 8 Player Chess. We are developing a live server and a mobile a...
Clube criado para todos aqueles que gostam de jogar um torneio amistoso.
Real Kakamoras Fan chess club
Chess club dedicated to the club Real Kakamora, the biggest club in OCL by fanbase, and it's fanbase
The Strategic Minds Chess Club
Our steadfast commitment to promoting friendship at The Strategic Minds Chess Club surpasses all limitations. We shall never waver in our convictio...
Let s Be Fair
Hello ! We invite you to participate in our LBF team, a small team that has worked to reach the world TOP10 in ten years ! We are currently fightin...
Pawns Of Chess
         HELLO! This is a pawnchess fan-club. well, not really fan club but yea Join if you like pawns! Welcome to Pa...
Uruguay Open
Liga de jugadores uruguayos auspiciada por la Federación Uruguaya de Ajedrez. 1) Todos los jugadores de Uruguay Open que representen a Uruguay tie...
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Egyptian Chess Masters
This is the group representing Egyptian Chess Masters . We are new team that will be future #1 team. We are proud of being our Nationality !!!
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