Знайти шаховий клуб

Equipo Oriente
Un grupo para la gente de los estados de Tlaxcala, Hidalgo, Puebla y Veracruz. Únete con nosotros y vamos a coincidir con los de otras regiones de ...
Mexico Live Chess
¡Juega por México! México Live Chess es el equipo que representa a nuestro país en chess.com, registrado para competir en las ligas "Mundial (LCWL...
5 569
Squadron Commandos
Greetings    I would like to share with you a unique opportunity that exists among a tightknit core group of "Soldiers" who are ac...
Chess bénéfice
Hello dear friend,  I invite you to join in my club♕ Let's play in interesting competitions & enjoy chess games 😇🌺
1 149
ANIME - Vietnamese
Olympic Games
  This club is focused on the Olympic Games and now we are heading to Tokyo Olympic Games 2020 that will take place between 23 July and 8 August 2...
4 929
Global Football League HQ
The Global Football League (GFL) provides a first class service to chess.com football teams wishing to compete against each other. The league's thi...
Chess.com - Bangladesh
এই ক্লাবটি অনলাইনে বাংলাদেশী দাবাড়ুদের জন্য সর্ববৃহৎ মিলনমেলা। এই ক্লাবের সদস্য হিসেবে আপনারা নিম্নোক্ত কার্যক্রমে অংশগ্রহণ করতে পারবেনঃ  চেস ডট ...
6 897
.-- . .-.. -.-. --- -- . / - --- / - .... . / .-. . -.. .--. .. .-.. .-.. / -.-. .-.. ..- -... .-.-.- .-.-.- .-.-.-   .-.. .- - . .-. .-.-...
Nebraska Chess Club
Welcome to NCC! We are somewhat active and we make tons of vote chess and we are in the top 200 clubs! Please join and you will be welcomed into th...
Los amigos de Chanquete
Hello friend: The club “LOS AMIGOS DE CHANQUETE” is currently in the TOP ONE of the World and Championship of the TMCL ALPHA 2023, 20...
1 076
Pon Farr Knight Club
If you have that uncontrollable urge to mate someone, this is Pon Farr. Here is the place to demonstrate your fancy mating skills,with the best t...
Team Washington
We are Team Washington, everyone who lives in the State may join. We want to provide a platform for local members to communicate, improve skills an...
Ajedrez Hispano Online
  Transmisiones en Vivo de los Torneos: https://www.facebook.com/ajedrezhispanonline Un club dedicado al encuentro online de jugadores de habla h...
2 727
SKB Chess Club
A club for all skb students. A positive and peaceful arena for players of all levels and styles to mingle, compete and learn from each other. A pla...
🌟 Представляємо найкращий Шаховий клуб chessMAD! 🌟 Ви готові підняти свою любов до шахів на новий рівень? Не шукайте далі - ми з великим задоволен...
Team Utah
This is the official club for Team Utah run by the Utah Chess Association.  We are a group representing Utah chess players. 
Learn Chess
Group to learn about chess. Everyone free to join. Learn about openings, endgames, tactics, positional play, logical thinking, mating patterns, etc.
2 785
Animal Appreciation Club
Hey everyone!  Are you a chess enthusiast with a heart for animals? 🐎 Do you love the thrill of a well-executed checkmate, but also the joy ...
Discovery One
Embark on our Spaceship and explore Cosmic Strategy and Stellar Tactics from distant Galaxies  
Oleksandr Bortnyk , ( born 18 Octobre 1996) is an Ukrainian grandmaster who living in USA .He is streaming on https://www.twitch.tv/bortnykchess .
2 968