Thành viên kim cương

In order to win at chess, you have to be one step ahead (and a step is more than one meaning), you have to be one step ahead.

My name is Omar

      My country, Iraq, I live in the capital, and my birth is on the twenty-fifth day of the first month in 1992

  •       I like to speak all languages, I like to talk to every friend in their native language

  • I like to vote on chess engines matches, Because they play with systematic and not random strategy with intelligence, no matter how simple or very deep, and I love to play like it regularly with intelligence, and the human brain should play much better than it 

  •  I love playing five-dimensional chess (5D)

  •  I love practicing spiritual sports,

  • my older brother was my inspiration in chess, and some of my friends Mustafa, Amjad and Bashar,

I like to chat a lot, but when you ask me about three things, you should consider that the chat is over. Do not ask me about my gold, my religion, and my going.

I am the one who will tell you these things "when I see fit and that depends on you"

And if your rating in Daily Chess is lower than mine, feel free to send me challenges with auto balance in custom position/ Odds, the most important thing is the 14 day challenge

here : click on this link 


my facebook                   فيس بوك خاصتي

my Instagram

my youtube channel               قناة اليوتيوب خاصتي

chess engines                محركات الشطرنج
  • Stockfish 
  • phoenix


first earth

Developed by

The previous team of the previous version

and the new team, the new owner of the previous version 

and Omar + A.S.I

and  Some collaborators from the team At the forefront of them was the very calm and well-known Larry Kaufman

One of these colleagues was François, who made a difference in achieving this indirectly and directly


: [ P "Depth of (565×2)+(569×2)+(1486×4) in the Dragon engine" = NP "depth of  10^(~121) in any other engine" ]

Created 2024

Fulfillment of the late Don Dailey's wish,

He had been resting in peace since 2013, meaning this happened 11 years after his death

  • KomodoDragon



Developed by
Don Dailey (1956-2013),
Larry Kaufman and Mark Lefler

Komodo started as a joint project by programmer Don Dailey and grandmaster Larry Kaufman. Originally named Doch (an abbreviation for Don's Chess) Larry suggested the name Komodo, because the Komodo Dragon is the world's most fearsome lizard, and because Dragon suggests the Dragon Sicilian, a popular fighting opening.
Created 2007

 إن هذه الصورة التالية ،  بالنسبة لي مثال على الحب بين النبي يوسف وزوجه زليخة عليهما السلام , فهذان الشخصان هما الذان لعبا دور قصة حياتهم في المسلسل التمثيلي التلفزيوني  

This picture for me is an example of the love between the Prophet Joseph and his wife Zulekha, peace be upon them, And these two people are the ones who acted their roles in the TV series 


الميلاد : ٢٥  من كانون الثاني ,١٩٩٢

birthday: 25th January, 1992

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