news 29

Country Belarus 對陣 Club Español Chess
Hello members, nice to have you here around site and home where you can meet friends who are working and participate in similar programs for finding the right knowledge which safe and prevent us from misery. We can define work. God created a world for us involved in life and knew what life was better than life. This mission was made for people acquiring own strength and smartness for respond on life on it own and able to live your life to eternities known surroundings and society regulation and personal endeavors for live true and able consist in life with others who compete for better profession or recognition and religion preferences for meet requirement of life and god commandments where issues often meanings in different context for individuals because we made from soul and partially soul regulating and safe bodies from destructions or exclusion if communities reluctant for studies nature can make decision once in decade for improve relation for further everlasting life where lesson can prove and promise for all what life can live and continue in their mode and allowance where regulation will accept as serious work and destination for live in happiness and be strong for respond on world on it won and understand better what this one world and god appearing through everything and god really caring about you. 8:47 PM 2/9/2024
Country Belarus
Country Belarus
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Club Español Chess
Club Español Chess
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