30 пользователей
2 дек. 2023 г.
Участие в 1 турнире

NR.14 "ERZHERZOG RUDOLF" proudly represents the province of Upper Austria on the fields of battle. Forged for combat, they boast one of the most formidable lines in the Oriental theater in their Grenadiers. Formed to help retake Europe from the grasps of Napoleon NR.14 has played decisve roles in several of their campaigns. Quickly asserting their strength by defeating Napoleon's infamous Troisieme Corps, and going toe to toe with the Garde Imperiale, NR.14 also played an essential role in the encirclment of Napeoleon's Premier Corps in the Iberian Campaign, resulting in a decisive victory for the coalition. As one of the most reliable regiments in the empire, NR.14 serves as one of the most formidable fighting forces in the Oriental Coalition, proving time and time again to be a powerful asset in the ongoing struggle against the French army in Germany.
